Holland Lop & Lion Lop
Welcome to our rabbitry! Here at Pepper Tree Homestead, we raise pure bred Holland Lops and Lion Lops. This page will showcase our current and upcoming litters with kits available for adoption. If you are interested in a kit as a family pet or if you have any questions, please reach out to us at
We would love to hear from you!


Elvis, pure bred Holland Lop buck

Theodore, pure bred Holland Lop buck

Eloise, Lion Lop doe

Fern, pure bred Holland Lop doe

This litter of seven was kindled on June 28th and is from Fern and Elvis. These kits will be available for adoption beginning August 23rd. We will be updating each kit's photo as they grow, so check back often! All kits are loved on and handled daily by our three children for proper socialization. There is a $25 deposit to reserve your bunny of choice, which is applied to the total adoption fee. All bunnies come with access to our Bunny Care 101 video, a small bag of transitional pellets and hay, and a link to our Amazon storefront where you can find all of our favorite bunny accessories.







Next, please watch the Bunny Care 101 video. As a supplement to the video, you may also download the Bunny Care 101 Quick Reference.
Next, please fill out the Adoption Application.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
First, please be sure to carefully read the Waitlist & Adoption Policy. This document explains everything.
Adoption Process
How does the adoption process/waitlist work?
How much is the adoption fee and what is your deposit/adoption fee policy?
First, please be sure to read the Waitlist & Adoption Policy. This document explains everything. Next, please fill out the Adoption Application.
All of the deposit/adoption fee details are outlined in the Waitlist & Adoption Policy. Please feel welcome to reach out if you have any questions.
Can I come visit the rabbitry to pick out a bunny that I like?
Our rabbitry is set up as a CLOSED rabbitry. This means there are no visitors allowed to the rabbitry and our physical address remains private. This policy is in place to ensure the health and safety of the bunnies and the safety and privacy of our family. However, we are always happy to share photos and videos of the bunnies! You can also check out our Instagram @pepper.tree.homestead for regular updates.
If I am not local, will you ship a bunny to me?
Sorry, we only offer local pickup for bunnies. We will not deliver or ship them, so you'll need to arrange coming to the San Diego area to pick up your bunny. We will only meet at a public location for a bunny pickup. Please refer to the Waitlist & Adoption Policy for more information about arranging pickup in the adoption process.
What do I need for my new bunny?
We're so glad you asked! We have created a New Bunny Checklist for your reference, which you can easily download and print HERE. In addition, we've also compiled all of our favorite bunny items in each category on the checklist, which you can find HERE.
Will my bunny be litter box trained?
We do our best to make sure that every bunny is litter trained before they leave our rabbitry for their new homes. However, some bunnies are better at litter training than others, and bunnies as a whole are not 100% strict litter box users. So please plan accordingly if you plan to free-range your bunny in your home! You can also expect that your bunny may need an adjustment period as s/he acclimates to a new environment. Bunnies are most successful at litter box training once they are spayed/neutered at 6 mos of age.
What should I feed my bunny? And what's the best way to care for my bunny?
We've created a Bunny Care 101 video just for you, so you feel confident in knowing how to best care for your bunny before bringing him/her home. You can also download and print our Bunny Care 101 Quick Reference to have on hand. If, after watching the video, you have more questions, please feel welcome to get in touch!